My Future Business

In the name of Jesus..

Hello, we meet again in the writings of the Arini of this time. Have a nice day and walk according to what you want and this time I will write about My Future Business. About future business, now I have not thought to run it. Because I was still sitting on the bench lectures and there was no intention and desire to run the business together. Maybe because my parents can still meet my needs here and not clever to divide the time between work and college, Because many of them go through business while lecturing to add pocket money.

But after graduation later, amen, I will start to think about starting a future business that is a Women's clothing store business. Why? Of course there is a certain reason I chose it. Before starting the business we have to think about whether the opportunity to set up the business, the supporting factors, profitable for us in the future or not, generate profit or not, help and not damage to the surrounding community. Because I think it is not easy to start a new business by continuing to run a business without. In starting we can not play games, where we want to find a profit rather than bring loss. Currently the field of fashion has indeed become the conversation of many people. Many trend clothes nowadays are loved by the community ranging from easy to socialite.

This boutique business activity is one of the business activities that can be done by mothers. If you do not have a lot of capital you can open a home model boutique. Having a home business is everyone's dream. More and more beginner businessmen who open a business in their own homes, one of which is to open a boutique at home. Starting a home-based boutique business is a highly efficient business activity. Because if you open a boutique in your home certainly does not require a large capital. You are not bothered to minimize the cost of renting places, taxes and others. All your business needs can be prepared at home. This boutique business is much in demand by the community especially kalan housewives. 

Although this boutique business is just a boutique business. This business activity can be utilized as a side business. In running the business of this home boutique business you should have the ability to develop boutiques. Many boutique owners have stopped in the middle of the road because they can not develop their boutique business. This boutique business has the opportunity to become a great boutique if you are able to develop it well. Then what kind of success tips you can do for the boutique business that you are running can be successful.

In our beloved city, because the task of the daughter of the region after gaining knowledge in the overseas land, not to forget to bring her home to the land of birth, right? Once again I give thanks for being able to study in economic education, because if not be a teacher, bank clerk, office, can be a business right? Amen. 

Okay, thank you for reading this article. Please sorry if there any wrong words and offend readers. Hopefully my writing is a little or a lot can bring benefits for all of us. And hopefully at another time we can meet again in the next article, amen 


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