My Future Business

In the name of Jesus.. Hello, we meet again in the writings of the Arini of this time. Have a nice day and walk according to what you want and this time I will write about My F uture B usiness. About future business, now I have not thought to run it . Because I was still sitting on the bench lectures and there was no intention and desire to run the business together. Maybe because my parents can still meet my needs here and not clever to divide the time between work and college, Because many of them go through business while lecturing to add pocket money. But after graduation later, amen, I will start to think about starting a future business that is a Women's clothing store business. Why? Of course there is a certain reason I chose it. Before starting the business we have to think about whether the opportunity to set up the business, the supporting factors, profitable for us in the future or not, generate profit or not, help ...